Barruntando Ceramic is formed for a group of woman from different parts of Spain with a common hobby, ceramics. After many months of learning and effort we decided to come together to create this little project that we have put all our hopes and our willingness.
We work ceramics and we do useful pieces with a twist, they get get you a smile. We love the rustic objects, we want you you realize they are made and decorated by hand and also meet perfectly the job. We could say that our flagship are the bowls for woolen balls or yarn bowls, but do other things we love figures and miniatures, animal bowls or jewelry. A production of handcrafted pieces as we like to have in our homes. Our main objective is to provide a small breath of fresh air to ceramics, which translates into happy and carefree designs, handcrafted raw materials and traditional techniques, one by one; therefore all our works are unique, no two are alike.