Fair of the Cheese, the Wine and the Ceramics 2017 Avilés

          Throughout this weekend, May 19, 20 and 21, the 36th Edition of the Cheese and Wine Fair and the 37th Edition of the Ceramic Fair will be held. Both will be held jointly in the Pavilion of Exhibitions of the Magdalena de Avilés in a cozy atmosphere, which 41 cheese exhibitors; 14 wine exhibitors; 3 bakeries and 22 potters. The opening will be on Friday 19 at 13:00 hours and the rest of the days the opening hours to the public will be from 11:00 to 23:00.

Feria del Queso, el Vino y la Cerámica 2017
Feria del Queso, el Vino y la Cerámica 2017


          In the different stands there will be representation of cheeses from the Basque Country, Cantabria, Catalonia, Castile and Leon, Extremadura, Aragon or Galicia, not forgetting the excellent Asturian cheeses, and we can taste up to 21 different types of artisan cheeses, a luxury. As a novelty of this year the booths will be new, made with recyclable and ecological materials, quite different from the tents of other years.


Asistentes Feria Queso Vino y Ceramica Aviles 2016
Asistentes Feria Queso Vino y Ceramica Aviles 2016


          The parking at the front of the pavilion will be open to the public and will be free of charge, a good thing to keep in mind, although you always have to go early if you want to take a seat due to the large influx of people at this fair. If there is no place in the parking, will have to travel around, there is usually some free square, or if you live in Aviles, go for a walk, I recommend it.

As if the attraction of being able to enjoy the perfect pairing between cheese, wine and pottery was not enough; there will be raffles of baskets of Asturian cheeses among the audience and, as usual, the students of the School of Hospitality of IES Pravia will make “live cooking” during the 3 days in the central part of the premises. I personally love this option where you can see how they make spectacular dishes, these guys are cracks. As a sample of your work this button:


IES Pravia
IES Pravia

          The children will also have their space and will be able to participate in a postcard competition, as well as in the entertaining children’s workshops sponsored by Caja Rural. There will also be a space outside the enclosure with varied children’s attractions.

          We will participate, as every year, in the ceramic exhibition along with 21 other professionals from Asturias, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y Leon, Valencia and Galicia. In the exhibition area, you can admire the works participating in the XXIX Ceramic Prize “Villa de Avilés”, endowed with 1,000 euros and the winner will be made public on Friday at 13:30.


Pareja de Sirena y Tritón Tropicales
Pareja de Sirena y Tritón Tropicales


          A good plan for the weekend, to go one day, two or three !. Good atmosphere, good food and drink and good pottery.

We wait for you!




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